names that means darkness ne demek?

Names that mean darkness include:

  1. Raven - a bird associated with dark forests and nocturnal activity
  2. Blake - means "dark" or "black"
  3. Kiera - means "dark-haired"
  4. Shade - a word that refers to a dark shadow
  5. Kali - a Hindu goddess of destruction and darkness
  6. Shadow - refers to a dark area created by a body blocking the light
  7. Darcy - means "dark-haired" in Irish
  8. Inaya - means "concerning night" or "darkness" in Arabic
  9. Morana - Slavic goddess of winter and death, associated with darkness
  10. Kyros - a Persian name meaning "dark" or "black"
  11. Jett - means "black gemstone"
  12. Erebus - Greek god of darkness and shadow
  13. Marijana - a Croatian name meaning "bitter darkness"
  14. Demitria - a Greek name meaning "earth mother"; also associated with the goddess of night, Nyx.
  15. Arianrhod - Welsh goddess of the night and the stars.